# ImageHelpers

# Installation

To install the package just run:

 composer require ericlagarda/image-helpers

Then, you can use the facade or the helper.

Example with facade:

use ImageHelpers;

$image = new ImageHelpers($imageUrl);

$image->thumb(400, 400);

Example with the helper:

imagehelper($imageUrl)->thumb(400, 400);


Once you load the image with the facade or the helper, this image fill be cached.

This package is based on laravel-proximage (opens new window) by coderello. You can use any of the methods of laravel-proximage.

Proximage is a handy package for proxying images through the images.weserv.nl (opens new window) (free image cache & resize service) with which you can greatly increase the performance of the site.

But we have built some other helpers for you.

Last Updated: 3/25/2019, 10:24:11 AM